STATA Assignment Help

STATA Homework Help

STATA is a multipurpose statistical package to help students explore, summarize and analyze data sets. The software is commonly used in social research science. A data set is a collection of variables, usually in a column and it can have several cases usually represented in the rows. STATA is commonly used for social research and so students at the master’s level are likely to encounter it especially those pursuing econometrics, biostatistics, and governance.

Stata is preferred by most researchers because it is cross-platform compatible. What this means is Stata is compatible with other data analysis software such as SAS, SPSS, and excel, which simplifies the data sharing process. The Stata transfer software helps one to transfer the data easily between Stata and other statistical software. Stata is easy to use. Most students fear Stata because of the code-like syntax. Stata has a graphical user interface to help beginners learn the software. Finally, most social scientists prefer Stata because Stata is easily extensible. That is Stata is designed in such a way it allows the addition of new capabilities and functionality. In simple terms, Stata software is designed to accommodate changes.

Some of the common Stata analysis are:

Factor analysis Stata
Survival analysis Stata
Linear regression modelling in Stata
Logistic Modelling in Stata
Power Analysis in Stata
Time series data analysis Stata
Panel data analysis Stata

Why you need stata assignment help

Stata is not easy to use for beginners, and especially students without a statistical background. The analysis involved is complex and requires extensive knowledge from other subjects and this is why you need stata help. Stata has an easy-to-use graphical interface, but knowing the commonly used syntax at hand makes data analysis easier. It takes time to learn the Stata syntax, and perfectionism can only be achieved after constant use. Students often do not have this time and which is why they may come online searching for stata assignment help. You can get stata assignment help from our experts here at Our team has specialized in data analysis using Stata and quantitative analysis for years now. If you need quick stata assignment help, just click on the order link or email us at

Can you help me with my Stata assignment?

One of the most common questions students ask is ‘Can you help me with my Stata assignment?’ We’re glad to inform you, that yes! We can help you with your Stata assignment. The process is as simple and easy as 123! Start by clicking on order now, and upload all the data files here, including the Stata files. Once you upload the files, a customer care representative will get back to you, issue a quote and assign one of our experts the task. All you need to do is sit back and relax, and let us do the hard work for you!

Stata expert help

Usually, Stata tasks are issued as projects; sometimes the projects are part of an entire dissertation. Such projects require continuous submission and constant communication. Our company has a mathematics and econometrics department. One of the benefits of labor differentiation is that our team is qualified to help with Stata assignment projects. We can handle different Stata projects for instance:

This week, we are discussing forms of business organization and corporate governance. The manner of analysis will be similar to what it was last week but with a bigger dataset and with a more detailed focus on corporate governance. Attached you will find a dataset titled Tutorial 04 my data – we have a .csv format and a .xlsx format. The .csv format can be uploaded straight into Stata but you will want to look at the .xlsx format to know what individual variables mean. The source of the dataset is the World Bank’s You will need to familiarize yourself with the website and the data available there. But the long and short of it is that the website provides country-level measures of various institutional characteristics that pertain to doing business. Our dataset contains four of the aspects that the World Bank measures: 1. Getting credit, 2. Protection of Minority Investors, 3. Enforcing contracts and 4. Resolving insolvency. Each of these four institutional measures is based on component variables which are also included in your dataset as well as each country’s international ranking in institutional quality and a variable labeled “distance to frontier” (dtf) which measures how far a country is from a perfect score of 100 in each institutional aspect. The dataset contains these measures for all OECD countries and they span the period 2004 – 2015 (well, not all variables are available for all countries in all years but many are). So, open the dataset and look at the website and figure out what means what. If you have questions about it, email me. What are the research questions for this week’s tutorial? The questions are concerned with the fallout of the 2008 financial crisis. In many countries, the financial crisis triggered a debate about the regulation of business and particularly of corporate governance (given the propensity of many commentators to blame the crisis on misbehaving managers, on dividend-hungry investors, on over-extended banks, etc.). Your job is to find out whether the post-2008 institutional framework is different from the pre-2008 one. In other words, the research question is: Do we see an observable, significant change in any of the institutional characteristics measured by the World Bank in the post-2008 values? Is there a break in 2008? Were there reforms aimed at improving institutions enacted after 2008? What kind of method of analysis you will choose is up to you. You can compare pre-2008 levels of various indicators with post-2008 indicators and run a t-test. You can do a regression with a dummy for the post-2008 period, you can model a change in trend in 2008 and see whether the change in trend is statistically significant and practically meaningful. You can concentrate on individual components of your institutional feature. You can split the OECD countries into those that were severely affected by a housing market boom and bust and a subsequent banking panic and those that were not (but state your group split explicitly) – it’s all up to you. The result, as always, should be an analysis of changes in institutional quality as a result of the 2008 financial crisis. You need to look at one of the characteristics: Resolving Insolvency

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